Monday, July 11, 2011

Paintchip Lamp

 YES! I completed my lamp project. Below is a photo diary of my lamp that I decorated with paint chips. Being a graphic designer I am prone to hoarding. I have plenty of paint chips laying around my house. This project just included the lamp shade, paint chips, hot glue gun and sticks, a ruler, and an Exacto blade. From white to a vibrant rainbow, this lamp made a huge transformation.

My lamp as it was when I bought it.
My lamp as I began the project. Two weeks ago I
spray painted the base ivy green.

I have plenty of paint chips around. This project cost me nothing!
I planned out each layer with a pattern of values and hues.
My first night I got only halfway through. Starting to look good!
The lamp shade is done, only one step left.
The lamp all put together. A great addition of color for
my white and dark apartment.


  1. Such a cool idea! Can't believe you gave that lamp so much personality for so little money--love it. I foresee a lot of paint chip decorating in my future. Are there any other fixtures soon to be paint chip-ified?

  2. There is not any more fixture decoration in the plan, yet. I am hoping to get started on some wall art that uses paint chips. Like most apartments I am stuck with white textured walls that I cannot paint. I need to add some color!


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