Friday, August 26, 2011

Constant Vigilince...

Is difficult. Lately I have been having trouble staying motivation. It seems once you start having a goal things just get thrown at you to make it more difficult to meet those goals. It was easy at first to want to draw, update my site, and look at type. It started with being active (that is always the hardest for me in my married life, I am not sure why). Then other things started falling off the list, and with the list went my motivation. I might have just gotten it back! My local AIGA had a Pecha Kucha event. The purpose of the event was to show what creative individuals do when they are not being paid to be creative.

Some of the speakers shared hobbies that I also enjoy when I am not at work: creative desserts, photography, loved ones, and reading. More than finding common bonds. I have gotten some of wind back. Some things that have become more crucial the more I design: always a student, have passion, curiosity, and have fun. If it is not fun then I cannot do my best work.

--------- AND ---------

I did have a mini kitchen adventure: ( I don't count it as an adventure since I have made lemon bars a few times before).  this exact recipe was a first. I have a few suggestions if you make it: 1.5 sticks of butter instead of 2 will make just plenty. If you want you can just half the crust and make the same amount of filling, or you can 1.5 the recipe. I had 3 lemons so I just made extra filling. The original recipe has too much crust to filling ratio. So I suggest either the crust gets less or the filling more.

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